jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

tales to believe

It went by about an hour after having lunch I guess. I was getting kind of sleepy. There was no internet service, well, there was really, but let’s say it was coming and going; like a tennis ball thrown to a wall. I think the word is intermittent, the internet service was intermittent. Despite of it, I could see some news meanwhile. I read some about a problem with the platform of Banco de Venezuela (so if you´ve followed some of this writings, or any of the news from here, you may have a picture of how banking has been even before this incident) We don’t know when will it be restored: they’re working on it (working hard, of course) It was a sabotage – I heard – it is always a sabotage, anyone can be guilty except the people who actually work at it. The same thing happens with the electricity: several cities of the country experience a daily blackout of an hour at least. Why? Sabotage, the empire (which means United States) and la derecha; among others, – and this is a little bit what I would like to imply – according to the spokesmen of the government, they are pretty much leftists, they claim it with pride, call themselves Marxists; worship Fidel Castro as a sort of deity, just like they’ve been doing it with Chávez but at least Chávez is Venezuelan. According to them left means awesome and right means evil, and as any epic duel evil must be defeated every battle (which we’re having everyday every time) like the electricity service, which important buildings are being watched by the army (because we’ll prevail from any intent of sabotage –curiously the sabotage always tend to happen – and whoever the guilty is we’ll find it) or the bank platform, where so many people have their money literally trapped until they solve it (until they struggle with this plan the evil has organized from the empire through la derecha; the opposition)  
This is romantic and it makes the population romantic too. Probably it is why so many of us, even the ones from the right, just hope for a kind of hero who save us all, like it actually were an epic duel, so it’s not only the supporters of the government, this is in everyone’s mind. 

Last year the opposition called for a plebiscite in which people answered whether they agreed or not with a new president election. It didn’t happen then, it is happening now, but the call was made this time by the government, so the opposition are not ok with it. They were ok with the call from last year, but last year the government wasn’t sure they would win. Now they are, and that’s why nothing came up from the negotiations of Dominican Republic. Well, something surely came up, but the citizens won’t know about, not now at least; there’s so much money to accommodate yet and perhaps it has something to do with the sabotage, or not, perhaps this is just another epic battle where the right (of this left) shall overcome… again, while we still get poorer and politicians tweet and journalists (like they were politicians too) lie, and since we don’t have news to trust… instead we have tales to believe.

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