miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016

what we choose to feel…

Envious is the most common type of personality according to a study and that explains some… I was taking a look at this thing called the mind–body problem and I found that a Five-Aggregate Model is mentioned. It implies that sense impressions are always changing so behavior problems might be understood based on such readings and explanations. There’s a term in Spanish called “retraso genómico” and it embraces the thesis that day routine things go faster that our capability of understanding them, and this is because we spend so much time trying to be updated at social networks that we tend to forget the immediate real world around us. This could be why there’s more enviousness and mood changing nowadays, but I didn’t bring this just to write about social networks, millions of people do it so. I brought them up because I believe – at least I see it this way in here – that social networks have become in sort of windows which people, particularly Venezuelans, get a vision of how society behaves abroad and how far from it they feel because of the control of the currency and the political division. Thus, we get envious at everyone a lot but we control it, we hold it on hard, maybe not to lose ourselves because in the end it’s not worthy, but the feeling remains and it carries us through a path of resentment, because now we’re called new poor as a result of the new rich who government gives support to… Envious is natural but it is also what we choose to feel… 

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