jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

Would there be really those Akashic records…

A man starts scratching around his knuckles; there are so many mosquitoes flying by. Some thoughts are finding a way to stay inside his head; they don´t want to become words so the man keeps them silent until they turn into oblivion. But oblivion is not a place, nor a circumstance, it is more like a period, a hold on period in which some other urges take charge of the man’s thinking. That’s when the problem might take place: A thought stays in oblivion usually when it’s companioned by a feeling. That’s why when the man, let’s say, gets over; he actually thinks he’s forgotten whatever he never said… but he felt, felt it the same way when he believed he forgot, and remembers again, and now frustrated. Not because what he should have said but because he’s realized that every time such a feeling takes over, those thoughts will wonder in is head again… How might you be preventive from feeling? We think we get consciously in an upper way by consuming new experiences so we let go past thoughts… We’re not. Feelings don’t attach thoughts the way thoughts do it with the feelings. In other words: You may feel the same at different, even controversial, situations (Thoughts I mean) and such memories (thoughts I mean) will never bring along a different sense from the one kept in oblivion with… What do you remember? Perhaps more accurate: How do you remember it?  How can you stop bringing these thoughts?

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Changes and Chances

Since I know I should be leaving a few words written before I go, here it is. I’m trying to come up with something while typing these letters, but I don´t know, nothing comes and I probably won´t have any other chance until tomorrow perhaps, perhaps not even; let’s see… 

Three days ago we’ve heard about some changes at the economic scenario (in Venezuela there’s always an important and vital change that will decide our fate – this time – for good) Changes lately turn into more waiting lines to  be standing and less chances for people’s achievements of any kind. Now something has just come up, in English, which is good I guess. We’ve been forced to establish a sort of cruel relation between Changes and Chances. It is only a letter you substitute, but it’s a whole different thought and this is when the cruelty arises: every change the government ordains actually kills somebody’s chance. So food and toilette paper are not the only thing we’re lacking (I know you’ve heard some about it) we’re running out of chances by executive orders. I know these previous words look foolishly tragic and it’s not the point. The fact the chances get less pushes everyone do something (I’m writing to you, for example) A new concept of hope is now going along with people’s doings. A pretty girls tries harder to look prettier because now she knows pretty won’t be enough anymore, and something similar happens with a robber too, he also tries harder, especially with the problem of the bills. I hope myself too. That’s why this blog exists…

I’m running out of time, by the way. Thank you, for every time, for everything…