Time to
leave. Only not yet. There’s a little bit more for some words, words of
waiting, waiting without expecting, expecting without hoping, and hoping to serve
me a glass of wine. See you tomorrow, but not just yet. Still Thursday, it’s
raining hard. Toto is on TV, and it’s probably one of the few things technology
has to offer: Music wherever and whenever we want; anything, any band we like.
That’s something to rescue, to appreciate, and I do, I do appreciate it. Wine
is gone, time to bed is right here, I’m just taking advantage of the moment
alone and get some words for service. Elections here, elections there. I feel
like I want to say something about it but I guess it doesn’t get me like it
used to, it’s more like I just don’t care. I never got a choice, at least nor
there, neither here, but here I am and stand, for my wife, for my mom, and
specially for my boy. Dad is in my heart but he’s still there. I hope that time
won’t be cruel with us this time. Specially now that the vulnerability has been
getting some strength on our hearts, on our faith. We stand strong, still
stoical; this is a storm, sun will come tomorrow, to shine, and make us hope
for the best with will, will for doing more, doing what it takes, whatever we
might need that for. Too much bread, too much flour, it never bothered me
before. It’s just this hype that flour and gluten turn into sugar and that is
poison for the body. I think sniping someone else’s lives is more poisoning.
Comparing oneself with anyone else as reference for what we should or should
not do is the real poison. I gain weight as I work out, it’s kind of simple: no
work out, more weight, and we set that balance with each day that goes by. It’s
up to us, nobody can work out for us. Don’t let the sun go down on me,
yes, specially on vulnerable times. Sorry seems to be the hardest word,
and perhaps mind your own business, the hardest advice…
Advice we
get often. Many people love giving advice, especially when it comes from the
voice within to sweet their ego, because to be honest, it’s rarely given on
some attempt of sympathy, and I kind of get it. Advising has more to do with
katharsis than with advice itself. We just need to project it to someone, make
that someone a target of our inner voice and disguise it as a sort of care, but
it’s not, not really, I mean, and it becomes necessary at some point.
Immigrants need to project a lot, in every tense, mostly on past tense. Nobody
wants to admit mistakes or, perhaps phrasing it differently; people often find
in the action of giving advice a hidden confession of mistakes once made. Yes.
I think it is that way. Friday, lazy Friday. I better get a coffee and get back
to work too. Saturday afternoon. Cynicism over resentment, I was sort
gravitating my thoughts. We must believe in something, someone; careful, it’s
risky, I know, but we have to believe, we have to chose to believe, because
otherwise we become cynical, and such a pose tends to reveal resentment in
disguise. In Venezuela Chavez sold out the idea, in his signatured (I give him
that) style, or way, that resentment came up as a consequence of a failed and
corrupt system implemented for over forty years, and that’s why there were so
many with no chance whatsoever. Chances never came for those people, to be
honest, but the idea that those then in power might lose their status over a
change of system, got many enchanted enough to transform a promise into
disgrace, and the disgrace was the plan since the beginning. Only that we
thought it was about verbiage and a matter of procedures, but they; the chavistas
in power, they achieved their goal, systematically, and by steps of depth. Now
the Venezuelan problem affects the whole continent, and only a few can ignore
it. Here I go again, for a Saturday, for a sunny afternoon on a nap
time. So back to the resentment, people thought it was fair, and the government
made it look that way for perhaps almost ten years, enough time to convince a
whole generation of it, then the resentment, once there, once among many, burst
into what it has always been: a spoil born out of failure, a failure commonly confused
with unjust. There are unjust cases, of course. A society, a social system will
always have flaws, but their anger is not because the former system failed
them, because they were outcasted from it, not, the anger is for not trying
harder, because there was always someone preaching that hard was not fair, and
fair was what we deserved. Nos we’re all fairly broken, and many decided to
start over elsewhere, and back to the song: here I go again!
The war: how
difficult is to understand why they come up in modern times. It used to be
like, easier to get when it was about territory, power, siege, expansionism,
but nowadays, I’m not sure. People claim so lightly that it is over resources,
I kind of disagree, I mean, you can just buy them off, out, in perpetuity, all
of it, however the case may be. They are all for sale, and it’s much cheaper
just to do business rather than destroy a whole place to rebuild it again and
take whatever resource you were looking for at first. I don’t think it works
out that way anymore. I don’t think it’s about expansionism either, I mean,
what’s the use of having more territory, taxes? Again, resources? Come on! It’s
too expensive. It has to be something else, something unclear for the commoner,
as many other never ever understandable phenomena of the human race. Music
fades. Language barrier, that’s how it is called when you can’t make yourself
understood. Halfway meeting again. I’m cool with that. Program Information
Report. I should focus more on it. I’m about to, but my fingers need some
dancing, and this keyboard is pretty much their dance floor. I should get a
music keyword and learn how to play it, but I’m going to need a level of abstraction
and concentration that right now are impossible to obtain, regardless of what’s
within or outside, it won’t matter at this point. We’re getting into a state of
splitable thinking and rearranged reasonings, and I’m afraid it will turn
perpetual eventually. An empty room and a cell phone to simulate joy, wisdom
and lifestyle. Followers of unapplicable opinions. See you soon!