jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

Would there be really those Akashic records…

A man starts scratching around his knuckles; there are so many mosquitoes flying by. Some thoughts are finding a way to stay inside his head; they don´t want to become words so the man keeps them silent until they turn into oblivion. But oblivion is not a place, nor a circumstance, it is more like a period, a hold on period in which some other urges take charge of the man’s thinking. That’s when the problem might take place: A thought stays in oblivion usually when it’s companioned by a feeling. That’s why when the man, let’s say, gets over; he actually thinks he’s forgotten whatever he never said… but he felt, felt it the same way when he believed he forgot, and remembers again, and now frustrated. Not because what he should have said but because he’s realized that every time such a feeling takes over, those thoughts will wonder in is head again… How might you be preventive from feeling? We think we get consciously in an upper way by consuming new experiences so we let go past thoughts… We’re not. Feelings don’t attach thoughts the way thoughts do it with the feelings. In other words: You may feel the same at different, even controversial, situations (Thoughts I mean) and such memories (thoughts I mean) will never bring along a different sense from the one kept in oblivion with… What do you remember? Perhaps more accurate: How do you remember it?  How can you stop bringing these thoughts?

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Changes and Chances

Since I know I should be leaving a few words written before I go, here it is. I’m trying to come up with something while typing these letters, but I don´t know, nothing comes and I probably won´t have any other chance until tomorrow perhaps, perhaps not even; let’s see… 

Three days ago we’ve heard about some changes at the economic scenario (in Venezuela there’s always an important and vital change that will decide our fate – this time – for good) Changes lately turn into more waiting lines to  be standing and less chances for people’s achievements of any kind. Now something has just come up, in English, which is good I guess. We’ve been forced to establish a sort of cruel relation between Changes and Chances. It is only a letter you substitute, but it’s a whole different thought and this is when the cruelty arises: every change the government ordains actually kills somebody’s chance. So food and toilette paper are not the only thing we’re lacking (I know you’ve heard some about it) we’re running out of chances by executive orders. I know these previous words look foolishly tragic and it’s not the point. The fact the chances get less pushes everyone do something (I’m writing to you, for example) A new concept of hope is now going along with people’s doings. A pretty girls tries harder to look prettier because now she knows pretty won’t be enough anymore, and something similar happens with a robber too, he also tries harder, especially with the problem of the bills. I hope myself too. That’s why this blog exists…

I’m running out of time, by the way. Thank you, for every time, for everything…

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016


I’ve read not so long ago that we all should do some writing every day. It is cathartic, especially in times like these, which ways out look so blurry that we just see other people’s problems because we can’t even understand ours. I’m constantly wondering, check on twitter and see some political impressions, read some opinions, and yet I wonder still. 

There is a very interesting writing from Umberto Eco called Ur-Fascism, and it showed me while reading that the power of the administration is also a power of social control. In other words: the president needs a law to regulate a behavior caused by some other law promoted just before, thus we are managed through executive orders (in Venezuela the parliament don´t promote laws anymore) 

Let’s bring up an example: the current one hundred bolívares bill will be out of circulation in seventy two hours, just a few days later POS machines were not working out due to some platform updates, or as the president said: an orchestrated cyber-attack from the empire of United States. Just before that ATM machines reduced the amount of cash daily, and just before that minimum salary got raised at fifty percent; fifty percent more against a three numbers inflation, and so on. There´s a change almost weekly, almost daily, announced on TV or worse; on social networks. Let’s see what happens next seventy two hours…

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016


There comes a time in which you’ve finally accepted it. The thing is start living with it. I’m not sure if it’s my case yet, I believe, in spite of my acceptance, there’s more to learn still, but I´m trying, and that’s what moves these words to be part of a message; this message: I’ve said more than once there’re several yous inside every person you interact with, and that those yous are not entirely made by yourself but the impression of – let’s call them – ‘carriers’ may have about you: friends, spouses, family, whoever you interact. A sense of uncomforting shows up before your feelings when you try really hard to look cool to the carriers; you role play a funny, tough, cool, burnout, wealthy, and whatever archetypes you come up with to establish some sort of connection with those people you care. I’m writing it again: those yous are not entirely made by yourself, maybe not made by you at all. Time goes by, fast and slowly and you start feeling dumb, mocked, lied, and don´t know exactly why because you try different, but then you begin to understand. You’re not that funny, nor tough, nor burnout at all; wealth is a political matter, at least here in Venezuela, therefore it’s not up to you, and definitely: you’re not that cool. I’m not writing this to make anyone feel bad about it. This is not a manifesto for rejected, no, it is not. This is a simple exercise of consciousness with a simple affirmation: caring is a one way street. When you care, or love, do it as you do have faith: with no expectations. Feel free to embrace senses and enjoy them; not because of someone, but because of yourself instead.  Value grows high when you realize there’s nothing to prove, and if it’s about improving, let it be as an inner command, because inner commands make you better despite carriers’ images of you. It seems to be impossible, and it is probably so. The concept of value tends to be built, in part, according to the influence of the people around; again: friends, spouses, family; carriers. I call them like that because they carry inside an image of every person they know individually, just like you and me do. We’re carriers ourselves, but not of ourselves, if you know what I mean; and I think you do. Let’s picture a mirror, you see your reflex, but we’re talking about the reflex according to image of yourself; I might not be seeing you the same way regardless we both stand in front of the same mirror. The same happens to you, and now I am easy at it: I don´t know how do I look from your eyes facing the mirror, but I know for sure that’s not entirely me; therefore, If you’re sure your are not those carriers’ yous, You start focusing and begin to identify inner commands. The ones that tell you it is fine to have a blog and post how you feel and what you may learn from it…